Nov 3, 2023 | Artistic Tools, autism, Research
Intention: Stimulate the senses and promote connection through sensory engagement. The materials provided in this activity are designed to be touched, smelled, and listened to. Items such as a bag of leaves invite physical activity and exploration. ...
Nov 3, 2023 | Artistic Tools, autism, Research
Intention: Elicit sensory responses while incorporating learning and play. Clowns use seasonally appropriate natural elements (e.g., leaves, pinecones, chestnuts) to engage children’s senses and teach them about the changing seasons. This...
Nov 3, 2023 | Artistic Tools, autism, Research
Intention: Propose familiar activities that foster unity. The clowns embody various animals, encouraging participants to use their bodies and join in the role-play. This activity trains children to recognise the animals represented, promotes physical...
Nov 3, 2023 | Artistic Tools, autism, Research
Intention: Respond to the child’s invitation for physical contact, enhancing body awareness and self-awareness through various movements and games. Clowns accept requested hugs, lifts, or touches and transform them into playful games. For example, a...
Nov 3, 2023 | Artistic Tools, autism, Research
Intention: Connect and play using familiar props, imbuing them with new meaning and purpose. This activity allows children to be passive observers or active participants. Explore the sensation of wind using songs, sounds, and props that simulate wind (e.g.,...
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