© Saulius Aliukonis

Learning Tools

Name of the tool:

What the result will look like:

A formal but flexible structure for improvisation enabling playful connection with individuals, particularly those considered hard to reach.

Description of the tool:



When it can be used:

Who it’s useful for:

Length of process:

Main features - advantages:

Main features - disadvantages:

Guidelines for implementation:

The starting point for using this tool is the person we encounter during our clown visits and the rhythm & essence of their breath, movement, sound or mood. Beginning with an observational ‘pause’, the artist is able to tune in with the person and follow a series of steps in consecutive order: 1. Acknowledge (validate, affirm, respect, recognise, appreciate) – 2. Mirror (imitate, copy, mimic, reflect, the same) – 3. Improvise (play, develop, evolve, extend, grow)

Tool in practice:

Attachments / Images: