Nov 3, 2023 | Artistic Tools, autism, Research
Intention: Propose familiar activities that foster unity. The clowns embody various animals, encouraging participants to use their bodies and join in the role-play. This activity trains children to recognise the animals represented, promotes physical...
Nov 3, 2023 | Artistic Tools, autism, Research
Intention: Connect and play using familiar props, imbuing them with new meaning and purpose. This activity allows children to be passive observers or active participants. Explore the sensation of wind using songs, sounds, and props that simulate wind (e.g.,...
Sep 25, 2023 | Artistic Tools, dementia, Research
Intention: creating familiarity, creating group connection. We begin our interaction from the room’s entrance by saying hello and calling everyone by their name. The act of speaking your own name serves as an invitation for connection. Playing...
Sep 25, 2023 | Research, Artistic Tools, dementia
Intention: connecting, play, making the audience move. The initial step involves being fully present and establishing a connection with the breath. Then, the clown begins by mirroring one of the resident’s movements. As the game progresses and the...
Sep 25, 2023 | Artistic Tools, dementia, Research
Intention: connecting, breaking the space. Everyone gathers around the parachute, and the gentle movements of this object capture their attention and arouse curiosity. Clowns invite the audience to engage with it, either by tossing soft objects onto it or simply...
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