Dancing together

Intention: connecting, refreshing the atmosphere.  Music serves as the foundation, and dancing acts as a tool for exploring various levels of synchronised movement.  We provide the impulse and extend invitations through both tactile and non-tactile...

Join the class

Intention: minimise the fear of strangers, improve the children’s social skills, improve their rule-following skills The clowns seamlessly integrate into the daily classroom routines with a gentle and sensitive presence, always open and playful.  While they...


Intention: Delineate space, draw attention  The clowns use a colourful rug to make a special area. It creates safe boundaries for play to happen.  Using a rug to mark out a special space works like magic. It seems to naturally attract the kids, and they...

The magic, musical suitcase

Intention: Awaken interest, group connection  Two clowns enter with lively music and a mysterious suitcase, making the children very curious..  They  open the suitcase and inside there’s an instrument. They play with it a little and then put it...

Singing names

Intention: Connecting with a group of children, creating a safe atmosphere before starting other activities A group of children sit in a half-circle. Two clowns approach, one playing music, the other using an object like a scarf to highlight the movements and attract...

Car ride

Intention: Connection, communication, finding a common game  Set the stage for a delightful game of imagination with a child.  You begin by miming the presence of a car in the room, complete with the revving of an imaginary engine and the gentle hum of...